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Thứ ba,22/11/2016

Re-export the first time in public since his defeat against Trump received after the election, Clinton touched expressed disappointment about the massive failure in 2016.

"Admittedly coming here tonight is not easy for me," CNN quoted Clinton spoke at an event of the Children's Defense Fund (CDF) in Washington at 16/11. "In the past week, has repeatedly all what I wanted to do was cower with a good book or a dog, never leave the house again."

With no makeup face revealed the pale and tired, Clinton appeared in public for the first time since losing to Trump received after the election. Former foreign minister has touched, explains massive failures in 2016: "I know many of you are extremely disappointed about the election results. I, too, more than I can say."

But Clinton did not "immersed" in the sorrow of failure. During the rest of the speech, the former first lady of the United States stressed the importance of active support for volunteering and giving more consideration to children in the United States, regardless of race, religion or immigration status.

Ba Clinton xuat hien nhot nhat, met moi sau that bai hinh anh 1
Clinton appeared to be pale and tired during an event of the Children's Defense Fund (CDF) on 16/11. Photo: AFP / Getty Images

"We have much work to do, for the benefit of children, families and our country," she said. "We need you. America needs you, the energy, the will and your talent."

Clinton urged people "to believe in the country, fighting for the values" of America and "never give up".

At the event, former US Secretary of State was honored for his contribution and dedication to the CDF as well as children's rights throughout his career. After graduating from law school, Clinton worked for this organization and has committed to contribute to the CDF in the early days of the presidential election campaign. She also mentioned the organization in a speech accepting nomination at the Democratic National Convention.

After the short visit to Washington, Clinton will return to New York, and currently has no plans to participate in other community events.
